MiQ Certification enables operators to credibly demonstrate their commitment to reducing methane emissions. Evident is the Registry Operator for MiQ Certificates.
Operators can work with a wide range of technology partners to achieve MiQ Certification, ranging from methane detection to data solutions, equipment providers, analytics, and audit prep and implementation.
MiQ has created a market for gas buyers and traders to purchase Independently Certified Gas and trade MiQ Certificates which represent the environmental attribute of MiQ certified gas.
Independent third-party auditors are at the heart of MiQ’s certification system – providing an honest and detailed assessment of operators’ performance.
MiQ Certification provides a credible, enforceable certification standard for methane performance that can help meet and substantiate regional and national climate and emissions targets.
MiQ Certification provides transparency on the methane emissions performance of investments to assist in ESG and climate risk evaluation and reporting.